Friday 21 January 2011

Weather Report

As we plan on filming tonight (21/1/11) here is a weather report for 24 hours of that day.

Practice Clip 1

This is our first practice attempt at filming part of or film.
As it was during lesson time, we were unable to film any of the 'scary' part as we didn't have the location or props. Therefore we had to film the news reader section of the film.

The problems we encountered were passers by in the background and the sunlight.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Movie Pitch

This is a copy of the pitch we made to class in order to describe our horror film idea, "Forbidden"
After our pitch we got feedback from our class on what was good and what we needed to improve. Overall the class liked our idea and thought that it suited our target audience of teenagers, but they felt that it wouldn't be long enough to last the minimum 2 minutes and they also had fears that our warehouse   setting would not be suitable and available to film at. 

After listening to that our group decided that we were going to change the setting of our film, this was partly because of the class' thoughts and partly because of the struggle to find a suitable warehouse to film at. We changed our setting to a place which was owned by one of our group members, this allowed us to film there whenever we wanted and if we needed to re-shoot we knew that it would still be the same when we came back to film there. The new setting was quite spooky looking, it was also dark and cold which is one of the conventions needed in a setting for a horror film. We thought it would really suite our film.

We also as a group looked into new ideas to extend the length of our horror film, this came hand in hand with our new setting as the new setting allowed us to add extra dimensions to the story line. We're looking to add an extra 20-30 seconds in order to make our horror film between the 2-3 minute mark. 

Sunday 9 January 2011

Character Make-Up Test Shots

These are some test shots for our characters make-up for the beginning of our film.
The character is called Ryan Marshall and will be played by Sam Sisson.

Character Make-Up Design Influence

This is from the film "Buried" (2010) and Ryan Reynolds character.
He has just woken up in a coffin and that is a similar scenario for the introduction of our character, so chose to base the make-up on this still image from the film.