Friday 22 October 2010


AS Media Studies
Holly Beavon


Our completed work of our horror clip that was based on the sub genre, psychological included certain shots such as a steady shot to film scenery such as the birds and shots were focus needs to be included so that the audience know exactly what is happening. We also managed to film many shots appropriately so we didn’t cut of the actors head for example. In our assessment we used a variety of shots such as extreme long shots to film the man in the distant, walking. We took a selection of mid shots to film certain surroundings that ere vital to our clip such as the necklace being thrown in the river and the build up of the unknown man.

Use of editing.

After editing our work the shots eventually worked together to produce a clip that was able to flow and it looked as if those certain shots were supposed to be played then. We felt as if we didn’t need to use and editing transitions to our final piece.

Selection of Content.

Our finished work shows to the audience that we are able to use certain costumes, make-up and props in the appropriate places. Also we have proved that we an use a variety of locations and they are useful because they come across to the audience in the correct way. They also manage to fit in with our film genre due to it having the effect of making the clip that little bit scarier. The actor that was chosen for our clip clearly knew what she needed to do and because of this our film was a success.

Self- Assessment.

My contribution to the clip. I helped out by planning specifically what shots I would film and how I would do these. I took a variety of shots when I filmed and decided which one was the best outcome and looked more realistic. In total I filmed four clips and they all turned out to be productive. The four shots all differed from one another; I filmed a close up of the actors face, a panning mid shot of the actor walking back to the rail, a long shot of the necklace being thrown into the river and then the final shot was of the bird this was a cantered close up which brought a real effect to the clip. If I could think of any improvements that could be applied to the film I would suggest adding certain editing transitions so that the clip may have delivered to the audience as being scarier than it was. If we had done this then I think it would have made the audience more likely to continue watching the rest of the clip. When producing our final coursework film, I think I would take all the shots more than once so that you have a variety of final clips and also this would affect the lighting so therefore you could pick which looks best. Overall though I think that our final clip was a success as what we planned to do worked.

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