Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation Question 6 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? - Laura Mossendew & James Bolton

A media institution that might distribute our horror film could be 20th Century Fox who distributed the film '28 Days Later'. This is a British film directed by Danny Boyle.
This company would help to advertise and distribute our horror film, spreading the word to our target audience to let them know that the film may be something that they are interested in and that the film is worth seeing. This can be done by using trailers to put on television and on movie websites such as or as these are frequently visited by movie fans and is a good way to advertise.

As our films certificate is a 15 and as identified in Evaluation question 3 we have a fairly young target audience. The film Buried (2010) used viral advertising to promote the film, in particular they used Facebook. They ran an interactive poll on the side of the homepage asking 'If you were buried alive, what would you want with you?' and offered options. This gives the possible audience an insight to the film and the main reason why I researched and then went to see Buried at the cinema was due to this viral advertising. While Buried is a thriller rather than a psychological horror, we can draw comparisons between it and our production. Viral advertising using social networking sites is a great way to advertise to our young target audience.

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