Thursday 17 March 2011

Evaluation Question 7

We used many different types of technologies while researching and making our film. We used technology such as Garage Band, iMovie, the internet and blogger. We found the internet very useful for researching films, the way we did this was by using the website and finding out about starts of the horror films on there. We also researched title design on there. Also we used movie review websites to research movie ratings and age limits. Another thing that we found useful was blogger. We found it as an easy way to keep all of our work stored online; also it helped anyone reading the blog to see how our ideas were developing as the weeks passed by. iMovie was used a lot during the process of editing and putting our final film together, we all found this a very useful piece of software. Cutting our film up was made very easy using iMovie, also adding transitions and effect was very simple on iMovie which I felt really enhanced our film, it also helped us keep a large amount of control being able to cut out the bits that we didn’t need. It allowed us to be creative as we were able to try things that we couldn’t do without the effects and transitions, which I thought really made our film run smoother and more effectively.  Garage Band was also very useful while making the soundtrack for our final film, with the soundtrack playing in the background I felt it created more suspense and gave our film more realism.

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